KraQA #40 – CD on Kubernetes with keptn / Selenium Grid transformation to Azure

The summer is comming and so is the next KraQA meeting with 2 hot presentations covering Testing and Continuous Deployment topics. On the last meetup before vacation break Andreas from Dynatrace will show us how to utilise keptn for Continuous Deployment on Kubernetes. You may found a few words from Andreas below:

“Our team just released v0.2 of our open source framework keptn ( which now supports multi-stage delivery pipelines with automated quality gates, blue/green deployments and auto-remediation of container-based services on kubernetes. Would love to talk about WHY we built keptn, HOW we implemented it (Architeture) and do some live coding to show the status and where we want the community to take it. Our goal is to contribute it to CNCF.”

During the second presentation Jakub Michalec will share his experience in transformation from self-developed infrastructure to the full CI in the cloud. We will have an oportunity to listen the story of long and winding journey to the “green” tests, scalability and maintainable large UI test suite.

Note that this time first presentation will be in english. See you on June 25 at Re Club.